Gabriel Bolivar

Gabriel Bolívar fue un personaje principal y uno de los Primeros y más Valiosos Strigoi del Amo, era un cantante mujeriego con una gran cantidad de admiradoras.

Sin embargo, cuando se convierte en un vampiro, su libido hiperactiva se sustituye por una sed de sangre.

Cuando él era un ser humano usaba maquillaje en su cara y lentillas de colores a lo ‘Marilyn Manson’ para sus conciertos, cuando en realidad su verdadero nombre es Dwight Moorshein. Su padre es un predicador Bautista.

Después de ser infectado en el avión y transformarse, se comportó como el resto de Strigoi.

En cambio, no acudió a ‘Infectar’ a sus seres queridos, lo que señala que no tiene lazos cercanos a sus padres o cualquier otro familiar, de ahí que El Amo lo eligiera como su Nuevo Cuerpo.

Se alimentó de los seres humanos que frecuentaron su cercanía, entre ellos una doctora enviada por la manager de Bolivar e, incluso, el chico que fue enviado para encubrir la escena del crimen que acababa de cometer al consumir la sangre y convertir así a la doctora que trataba de ayudarle.

Bolívar fue uno de los Strigoi que atacan la casa de empeños de Setrakian, momento que aprovecha para infectar a Mariela Martínez, madre de Nora, lo que obliga a su hija a decapitar a su propia madre para así salvarla de convertirse en una Strigoi.

No habla, pero lleva una peluca con el pelo oscuro y largo que forma parte de la personalidad de Bolivar, lo que hace alusión a un cierto grado de pensamiento libre, ya que los Strigoi no se preocupan por su ‘nueva’ apariencia post-humana.

En el final de la Primera Temporada, Setrakian consigue acorralar al Amo y lo daña, pero en su intento de acabar con él para siempre, El Amo consigue escapar, malherido, a plena luz del día.

Era un fiel servidor del Amo y se somete a su voluntad sin ninguna duda: El Amo tenía que encontrar un nuevo huésped tras los Daños en su Cuerpo causados por Setrakian, y lo hizo con el Cuerpo de Gabriel Bolívar, el cual ocupó durante un Tiempo.

Ser seleccionado por el amo como nuevo huésped del mismo supone la Muerte de Bolívar tras la transferencia a otro Huésped, por lo tanto, Bolivar está técnicamente muerto, aunque la muerte biológica de su cuerpo ocurre tiempo después.

Cuando El Amo ocupa su cuerpo, Bolivar solamente sobrevive en sus recuerdos, que siguen en el Cerebro del Nuevo Cuerpo del Amo.

En el Episodio 3×03, Quinlan consigue Acabar con la Vida del Amo, por lo que Bolivar Fallece por Completo, pero el Amo sigue con Vida a través de sus Gusanos, los cuales Traspasa a otro Cuerpo.

Gabriel Bolivar is a main character and one of the Master’s undead acolytes, is a womanizing musician with a lot of female admirers. However, as he becomes a vampire, his overactive libido is replaced by a lust for blood.

When he was human he would wear KISS like face makeup and colored contact lenses à la Marilyn Manson as an act; when in fact his real name is Dwight Moorshein, his father is a Baptist preacher, and all Bolivar really cared about was getting laid.

After Setrakian uses Fet’s tip about vampires not being able to throw up, he poisons The Master in a last ditch effort to kill him and at the very least inflict lasting damage. Indeed, it was lasting as The Master had to find a new host and that he did in the body of Gabriel Bolivar.

After his initial transformation he is shown to have no particular different behavioural pattern than any generic strigoi. He does not hunt down any loved ones indicating no close ties to his parents or any other people. He feeds on the humans that frequent the building he posseses among them the doctor sent by his manager and even the guy that was sent by her cover up the crime scene.

Bolivar is later among the vampires that attack Setrakian’s pawn shop, he bites Mariela Martinez which forces her daughter to decapitate her and so save her from turning into a strigoi. He does not speak but wears his trademark wig with long dark hair that is part of his professional Bolivar persona hinting at some degree of free thought as other vampires seem to barely care about looks.

Gabriel Bolivar as a vampire is a faithful servant to the master and submits to his will without any question as if he actually bought into the Gabriel Bolivar persona he pretended to be in life personally.

During the ambush of his building his proboscis is severed in the middle of a melee but he since has recovered from that injury and regrown his feeding organ.

The Master selects him as his new host but it is unclear if he understands the meaning of this and if he is capable to understand that his being as a strigoi granted free thought is terminated and his body will be occupied by the master from now on.

Being selected as the master’s host results in the host’s death upon a possible transfer to another host, therefore Bolivar is technically dead, though his body’s biological death will occur later. The master’s host prior to Jósef Sardu died as soon as he regurgitated the bulk amount of worms and vomited them upon Sardu.

This unknown host had no visible injuries unlike Sardu’s transformed body who was lethally burned by the sun. Though the master’s resistance to the sun outmatched other lesser strigoi by far.

In the episode 3×03, Quinlan manages to finish the life of the master, reason why Bolivar passes away completely, but the master continues with life through its Worms, which it transfers to another Body.

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