Zachary Goodweather (Zack)

Zack es un personaje principal, y el hijo de Eph y su ex esposa Kelly. Para la alarma momentánea de sus padres, Zachary Goodweather nació totalmente encerrado en un Caul.

Por lo tanto, como se describe en la Trilogía de Novelas en las que se basa la Serie, en el Momento de su nacimiento «Él aún no había Nacido», necesitando Alimentarse a través de su Madre con el Cordón Umbilical, como si aún siguiera en su Vientre.

Durante la Secuencia Inicial del Episodio 3×03, su Madre Kelly seguía unida a él tras su Nacimiento, una Señal de que el destino ha forjado un vínculo eterno e inquebrantable, que nunca podría ser desgarrado. Creció con Problemas Respitatorios, lo que le llevó a ser Asmático y llevar siempre un Inhalador, hasta que el Fluido del Amo lo cambia todo.

Al igual que cualquier otro Chico de su Edad, él Juega a VídeoJuegos y es más Inteligente de lo que se espera de él. Fue lo Suficientemente Inteligente como para saber que el Trabajo de su Padre era más Grande que él y que, si no lo dejaba Trabajar (Aunque su Padre prefería tener su Custodia), ambos podrían terminar por muy Mal Camino.

Cuando estuvo con su Padre en la Primera Temporada, a Dutch y a Setrakian no les importa decirle lo que estaba pasando a Zack, lo que enfadaba a Eph. Su padre quiso desesperadamente protegerlo de la verdad y decide no contarle en ese Momento que posiblemente su Madre se haya Infectado. Zack, por aquel entonces, quería aprender a Luchar contra los Strigoi.

En la Segunda Temporada, Zack obviamente sigue enfadado. Eph intenta explicar que Kelly ya no es ella y que está Enferma. Zack dice que su padre es Médico y que la tendría que poder salvar, pues no entiende lo que este dice. También enfáticamente pide a su padre que encuentre una Cura.

Eph eventualmente se rinde y trataba de encontrar una Cura, pero no es un proceso tan simple como suena, aunque lo intentó con ayuda de Nora. Zack se enfada aún más cuando lo mantienen separado de los Avances en busca de una Cura a la Infección, algo que no quiere asumir, pues no ve a su Madre como una Infectada.

Después de que su Madre fuera Infectada, él siguió esperándola, aún a pesar de que su Padre le dijera que ya no era ella. Su Vínculo se mantuvo.

Cuando en el Final de la Segunda Temporada se queda solo después de que Descarrilara el Tren en el que iba junto a su Padre por una Trampa del Amo, Kelly va a por Zack, pero cuando Nora se disponía a asesinarla, Zack le Grita para que no lo haga y Kelly saca su Aguijón, Infectando así a Nora, por culpa de Zack.

Momentos después, Zack se va con su Madre, que es ya una Avanzada Strigoi, y Nora se ve obligada a Suicidarse para no Convertirse en una de ellos.

Inesperadamente, El Amo no lo Convierte en un Strigoi, sino que lo mantiene como un Ser Humano para tener algo con lo que tener atado a su Padre, Eph, así como otros propósitos nefastos como prepararlo como el posible Siguiente Anfitrión.

Zack pasa la mayor parte de la Tercera Temporada escondido Bajo Tierra en Central Park con su Madre y Thomas Eichorst. Después de presenciar que su madre se Alimenta de un Joven de Edad cercana a la suya, en el Episodio 3×02, intenta escapar sólo para sucumbir a un ataque de asma, lo que deja a Kelly vulnerable y a punto de Infectar a su Hijo hasta que El Amo se ve Obligado a Actuar, Relajando los Instintos de Kelly por su Hijo y Curando a Zack de su Ataque de Asma al hacerle Beber una Gota de su Fluido Blanco Maligno.

Más tarde, Zack y Kelly se trasladan al Ático de Eldritch Palmer después de que El Amo elija a Palmer para ser su Nuevo Cuerpo Anfitrión. Kelly recibe un Detonador para una Bomba Nuclear, de Eichorst.

Después de que El Amo fuera Encerrado temporalmente dentro de una Caja de Plata, Kelly intenta infectar a Zack, después de no escuchar la Voz del Amo que se lo impedía.

Zack trata de llevar a su Madre a ver al Amo (Creyendo que estaría en el Ático de Palmer), pero se encuentra con su propio Padre, Eph, recuperándose de lesiones sufridas momentos antes a manos del Amo. Una pelea se abre entre Eph y Kelly, que Zack desesperadamente trata de detener, resultando en la muerte de Kelly.

Con una Rabia incontenible por el Asesinato de su Madre a manos de Eph, su Padre, Zack decide Detonar la Bomba Nuclear, y después de encontrar a Eichorst, se aleja por Nueva York con él, después de que Eichorst lo elogiara por lo que acababa de hacer, salvando al  Amo de estar Encerrado en un Ataúd de Plata.

Zack está siendo Cuidado por el propio Amo, que tiene un inquietante interés en el Niño y a quien, en parte, mantiene Vivo porque Gracias a él consiguió escapar de la Caja de Plata. El Amo, ahora en el Cuerpo de Palmer, le administra el Fluido Blanco pero mantiene al Zack como Humano.

Es Probable que el Fluido Blanco afecte a Zack, influenciándole hacia El Amo, o simplemente esto se deba a que, Gracias a dicho Fluido, Zack ya no es Asmático, ni tiene que preocuparse porque nadie le Controle ni limite en su Vida.

Zack no es lo Suficientemente Maduro como para ver a través de los Planes del Amo cuando llega a la Pubertad, y por lo tanto es Vulnerable a todo lo que acaricia su propio Ego.

El Amo continúa cultivando el amor de Zack por su ya Difunta Madre, conduciendo aún más una Cuña entre él y su Padre, Eph. Este lado Amable del Amo causa Celos a Eichhorst, quien ve un Pequeño Punto Débil en El Amo.

Zach Goodweather is a main character, and the son of Ephraim Goodweather and his ex-wife Kelly.

To the momentary alarm of his parents, Zachary Goodweather was born wholly encased in a caul. Hence, as described in ‘The Fall’ novel, at the event of his birth he «was not yet born», continuing to feed off his mother as he were still inside her womb. During the opening sequence of the Season 3 episode, «First Born», his mother Kelly interprets his delivery from her womb while still being attached to her as a sign that fate has forged an eternal unbreakable bond, that can never be torn asunder. He grew up to be asthmatic and carries around an inhaler.

Just like any other kid his age, he plays video games and is smarter than given credit. Smart enough to know that his father’s job is bigger than him and if he doesn’t let him work (even though his dad would rather have custody) they may both end up dead, along with the rest of the world.

After his mother is turned, he has to remain on the run from her (to be expected) «Dear One» obsession. Eventually, he is left alone in the subway tunnels after having to split up from Nora because her mother is causing too much of a disturbance. Nora has him hide but he can’t hide forever as the Master minion’s finally find him and take him in.

Unexpectedly, The Master doesn’t turn him but keeps him as human to learn more about his father Eph, as well as other nefarious purposes such as grooming him as the next host. His role was pivotal in the gambits between two father figures, the Master and Eph, in their ultimate confrontation.

By means of a major psychological twist, Eph called the Master’s bluff and recognized they all had to die for his son to be released, otherwise the Master would prevail. At the end of the book series, Mr. Quinlan, along with his father Eph, and Zach himself are killed when a nuclear weapon is detonated on an island. But with the detonation also takes the life of the Master and his vampires, and eventually his strain is permanently eradicated.

Zach’s role appears the same from the novel. He’s smart enough to get the grasps of the reality that’s going on as the Master released the strain that turn many people into vampires. Zach struggles with Eph about knowing the truth.

While others like Dutch and Abraham Setrakian don’t mind telling him the reality, this angers Eph. His father wants desperately to shield him from the truth and procrastinates over telling him of Kelly’s most likely fate. Though despite this, Zach seems interested in fighting and even killing vampires like the others. When season 1 ends, Zach sees his mother but refuses to believe that she’s turned due to her calling his name.

When season two begins, Zach is obviously still angry. Ephraim tries to explain that Kelly is no longer herself and that she’s «sick». Zach angrily states that his father is a doctor and he had to save her. He also emphatically demands his father to find a cure. Ephraim eventually gives in and tries to figure a cure, but it is not a simple process as it sounds. Due to the «strain» being foreign to modern science, he and Nora are diligently trying to resolve the matter.

Zach becomes even more angrier when Ephraim will not tell him what he’s doing and he won’t explain how he’s trying to figure a cure. His anger becomes more evident when he looks at the board where they write out their conclusions. He angrily tries to rub out «infected», hinting he does not want to believe Kelly’s lost.

Zach is abducted by his fully matured strigoi mother after she bit Nora who later commited suicide. Kelly did not turn her son but took him away with her. Her motivations concerning her son have yet to be revealed. She did not succumb to the desire to turn him immediately but she is a sentient strigoi with a degree of self-control.

Zach spends the majority of the third season, hidden underground in Central Park with his mother and Thomas Eichorst. After witnessing his mother feeding on a young child, he attempts to escape only to succumb to an asthma attack, in which The Master uses his white to cure. Later, Zach is given a Feeler to protect him, and later goes out at night with. He and Kelly move to Eldritch Palmer’s penthouse after The Master elects Palmer to be his new host body in which Kelly is entrusted with a detonator for a nuclear bomb, by Eichorst.

After The Master is temporarily subdued inside a silver box, Kelly attempts to infect Zach, after no longer hearing his voice. Zach tries to take his mother to see The Master (believing him to just be upstairs), only to find his father, Eph, recovering from injuries sustained moments prior at the hands of The Master.

A fight breaks out between Eph and Kelly, which Zach hopelessly tries to stop, resulting in Kelly’s death. Out of anger, Zach sets off the nuclear bomb, and after finding Eichorst, leaves with him, after Eichorst commends him for what he’s done.

Zach is being cared for by the master himself who takes an unsettling interest in the boy. The master now in Palmer’s body administers him the White but keeps the boy human. It is likely through the white and his immense telepathic ablities that the master can influence Zach slowly.

Zach is not mature enough to see through the machinations of the master as he hits puberty and is therefore vulnerable to anything that strokes his ego. The Master continues to nurture Zach’s love for his deceased mother further driving a wedge between him and his father Ephraim. This gentle side of the master irks Eichhorst mercilessly who voices his dissappintment in Zach to the master almost to a point where the master doubts Eichhorst’s usually unwavering loyalty.

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